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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Times of Covenant

Sleeping? Dreaming? What's the deal? What happened to society? Could this be real? She remembers being loved & cared for. Some would say a spoiled rotten little girl. From that time to this one, something happened to her world. Growing, experimenting, practicing her dos & don'ts. Easily meeting people who tested her wills & her won'ts. Able to roam freely, no permission needed. Circumstances has her wishing those dos & don'ts she'd heeded. Trouble brewing, danger & heartache ahead. If only she had remembered to be spirit led. Thinking with her flesh instead of her heart has caused her many problems, where should I even start? One minute she had tons of associates & even more friends. All the sudden that came to an end. Confused about what was taking place she fell to her knees in prayer. Dear God, why are You doing this, don't You even care? How can I go from being the life of the party, happy & care free. To having no one & being lonely? One day, she looked around & all those people were gone. She went to all her old hangouts, but the crowd was all wrong! Times were different. She tried to adapt, but everyone looked at her strange. She felt like an outsider looking in. Clothes were different, even the music changed. She searched for love in all the wrong places & all the wrong faces & found lust instead. Life as she knew it just wasn't the same. Every night she woke up in a different bed. Empty, weak & warn she cried out to God again. He received her with open arms & forgave her of all her sins. He covered her & protected her from all past hurt & harm. He restored her broken pieces & held her in His arms. He was her shield from all that was old. He replaced her tarnished silver with the shiniest gold. He made her His bride, times of old became new. He became her Husband once she said I DO! 14 MAR 2013 1946HRS END. SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Inside Out

What's inside of us will eventually work it's way out in some shape, form or fashion. Not everyone with a nasty attitude desires to be that way. The same rings true for persons with a beautiful smile & lovely spirit, most likely they weren't always that way. What is your personality? What is said about you amongst your peers? What do you think of you? I asked these questions of myself & I waited a while to answer. I concluded that I have a contagious smile, an effervescent personality, always encouraging & complimenting others, but I also know that there were times when I just didn't want to be bothered. I found myself getting easily agitated, impatient with others & I was being annoyingly critical of everyone & everything, especially of myself! How did I get so selfish & spoiled? I did not like the latter characteristics about myself so I took time out to delve in & do some soul searching. Boy, am I glad I did! How did I begin? Glad you asked! I went to God in prayer & I talked to Him just as I am typing to you now. Here's an inside look of what transpired between He & I: "Hi Daddy, it's me again. Daddy, I thank You for creating me & being meticulous when doing so! You do all things well & You don't make no junk! So, Daddy, that's why I come to you as humble as I know how to admit that some where down the line I allowed some junk inside of my thoughts, my lifestyle, my home & it has manifested some ugly parts of me that I know You do not approve of. Show me inside of me Daddy...what are people seeing? Am I a reflection of You? I want to take after You Daddy! I want to favor You when people look at me! In order for this to happen, I need You to perform that surgery that only You can do...You know, the kind that doesn't leave scars & side affects! I need Your help to be the best me that You created me to be Daddy! So, I surrender all of my desires to You & ask that You would please let them line up with Your perfect will for this life You've blessed me with! I only want YOU! Having YOU means I have EVERYTHING! Let me be content in whatever state I am in at any given moment Daddy! I want to help others get to YOU! Help me to share You Daddy! I want to be used by You...I yield my hands, my feet, my eyes, my ears, my mind, my heart & my soul to YOU to do with what You will! Use me Daddy, I want to make You proud! I want to please YOU more than my fleshly desires! Many are in need of You & all that You have to offer! Please help me to be a usable vessel...make me over Lord! Make me brand spankin' new so that my life will glorify YOU! In Your precious name I ask Jesus, Thank You Daddy~Amen." Our Father so lovingly heard me & He did not hesitate to answer me! Everything that could go wrong, did! But He used it all to perfect those things concerning me that I went to Him about! When we ask for help, He allows things to happen that will let us practice until it becomes second nature! I believe it's a life long process! As long as we are on this Earth, we are on The Potter's Wheel...we are His clay! I desire to be molded by The Master Craftsman! He makes all things NEW! I can honestly say that I love to love! I am in love even with the idea of being in love! I want to give, hug, share, smile, encourage, assist, and the characteristic I love most...the best change of all is HE is using Holy Spirit to the fullest concerning wisdom & me letting her have her perfect work in me! I still get those annoying critical thoughts, but glory be to God, wisdom makes me keep my mouth shut! That's huge for me! It's a miracle!!! I can see the change! I can feel the change! I'm not perfected in it, yet, but I see progress & I find myself driving & not yelling at cars! I smile & let people in now! Road rage was one of my biggest problems! I've learned that even though the feelings will arise & I may be tempted to act on them, I don't have to! The sun still rises when I hold my tongue! Can you imagine how FREE I feel? It is amazing! Smiling right now, because of what my Daddy done did for me! And yes, I said 'done did'! :) I hope this inside look of ugly has inspired you to talk to Daddy about everything concerning you. He really does care & He is THE ONLY ONE who can lead us in the right direction to for change! God bless you & yours! Keep praying, He's listening, ready to answer! Love you! SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hello beautiful people! How is everyone? I pray this entry finds you all in good health & uplifted spirits! WOW! It is a brand spankin' new year! I'm so excited about moving forward! Last I reached out to you all, I was shutting it down to have some much needed "me" time! I did lots of soul searching & guess what? SOME OF THE UGLIEST STUFF CAME UP & OUT DURING THIS TIME! I laugh, but I am so serious! I found out quite a bit about myself! People/things I like, people/things I dislike, People/things I love & people/things I...well, I try not to hate anyone but the devil! Real talk! I'm just checking in & smiling & taking some deep breaths! Stretching my hands toward the heavens, singing & living life to the full! GOD IS SO GOOD! I've been dealing with "me" & I like the progress that is being made! I dislike the downfalls, but they seem to be necessary in order for me to triumph! Weird huh? Well, I'm happy to say that I am back on the right track! I was warped for a minute, but my heart is clear & my mind is made up...NOTHING & NO ONE SHALL STOP ME FROM WALKING IN LOVE...that is to say walking in God! GOD IS LOVE! \0/ I almost made the worst mistake of my life & I am so grateful to God for giving me options! He gives us freedom to choose! For a very short while, I was convinced that I wanted to choose the wrong thing, BUT GOD's love & constant support allowed me to see the error of my ways! I remembered the damage caused before when I took matters into my own hands & I DID NOT want a repeat of that! I read in my Psych course material that it takes 7 days to form a bad habit & 21 days to break that bad habit! Let's just say I'm working on day 43! I ain't taking no chances!!! You feel me? Lol Whom The Son sets FREE is FREE INDEED! I CHOOSE TO STAY FREE! I AM WALKING IN MY FREEDOM! I AM LIVING IN MY FREEDOM! \0/ NOTHING & NO ONE IS WORTH MY FREEDOM! GOD PAID, JESUS PAID & EVEN I HAVE PAID A HIGH PRICE FOR MY FREEDOM! I think about my love for God & God's love for me & my love for myself that has grown tremendously & I shake my head & say NO WAY! IT AIN'T WORTH IT! Even when it comes to tempt me, I do not entertain it! I'M DONE! I'M FREE! FREE FROM ME!!!!!!! \0/ Anyone who has ever been addicted to anything or anyone will be able to understand & appreciate this piece! God bless & keep you all! *Smile! God STILL loves you!* SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!