Sleeping? Dreaming? What's the deal? What happened to society? Could this be real?
She remembers being loved & cared for. Some would say a spoiled rotten little girl.
From that time to this one, something happened to her world.
Growing, experimenting, practicing her dos & don'ts. Easily meeting people who tested her wills & her won'ts.
Able to roam freely, no permission needed. Circumstances has her wishing those dos & don'ts she'd heeded.
Trouble brewing, danger & heartache ahead. If only she had remembered to be spirit led.
Thinking with her flesh instead of her heart has caused her many problems, where should I even start?
One minute she had tons of associates & even more friends. All the sudden that came to an end.
Confused about what was taking place she fell to her knees in prayer. Dear God, why are You doing this, don't You even care?
How can I go from being the life of the party, happy & care free. To having no one & being lonely?
One day, she looked around & all those people were gone. She went to all her old hangouts, but the crowd was all wrong!
Times were different. She tried to adapt, but everyone looked at her strange. She felt like an outsider looking in. Clothes were different, even the music changed.
She searched for love in all the wrong places & all the wrong faces & found lust instead. Life as she knew it just wasn't the same. Every night she woke up in a different bed.
Empty, weak & warn she cried out to God again. He received her with open arms & forgave her of all her sins.
He covered her & protected her from all past hurt & harm. He restored her broken pieces & held her in His arms.
He was her shield from all that was old. He replaced her tarnished silver with the shiniest gold.
He made her His bride, times of old became new. He became her Husband once she said I DO!
14 MAR 2013 1946HRS END.
SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!
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