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Sunday, October 2, 2011


(Hi everyone! I'm putting myself on blast, because I am led to testify as well as expose the enemy! I have seen it in my life many times, when I am transparent, I get more & more FREE! The enemy can not hold it over my head anymore! Let me tell you about some of it!
I've had a lot happen since my last post! I am doing a self examination & you wouldn't believe the stuff I've found out! I have NOT been living up to my full potential! I'm not where I used to be, but I'm not where I ought to be either! GOD WANTS TO WARP SPEED ME WHERE I SHOULD BE IF I QUIT WILLFULLY FALLING!!! I don't want to just go thru the motions anymore! I know I'm destined for greatness for God's glory! People need to see God's miracles, signs & wonders in today's times! God has helped me tremendously! I just want to live a life pleasing to Him at all times! I want Him to be glorified in every area of my life! I won't be perfect here on Earth, but I will strive for perfection til the day of Jesus Christ! How about you? God is teaching me how to live a healthy, Christian, balanced life!

You know what fam, during my soul searching, God pricked my heart about lust, when we ignore lust it will pervert itself & manifest in many ways! You'll find yourself a slave to it doing things you said you'd never do! Ask me how I know!!! (shaking my head at myself) I thought I was celibate, but I later learned that I was not "fully" celibate! So I took what I learned & started ALL OVER...I got rid of a few 'things' & prayed to God for help! I struggled! I don't have cable, but had to call my cell phone company & internet service provider to block certain abilities so I would not fall for the okedoke & 1 of my sisters who I confided in & who had been there, done that & she suggested some things. So, I wash my hands in cold water & anointed them with oil & STRETCHED MY HANDS IN SURRENDER TO GOD & I CRIED OUT TO GOD DECREEING & DECLARING THAT MY HANDS ARE MADE TO WORSHIP YOU LORD OF MY LIFE! I knew I still needed accountability, so I let Facebook & Twitter help me, since I was on it everyday anyway! My goals were realistic, doable, I learned in psych class that it takes 7 days to form a habit, but 21 days to break a habit! I set out to do 21 days of posting! I did not entertain men during this time & temptations were getting stronger! Really great, handsome men were coming out of the woodwork! But, know the enemy comes to kill, steal & destroy...he was trying to distract me & tempt me to self medicate, if you will. But, I pressed forward! (no pun intended-lol) I DID NOT WANT TO FAIL GOD NOR MYSELF! I DID NOT WANT MY SECRET WILLFUL SINS TO CRUCIFY MY JESUS AGAIN & AGAIN! I'd rather expose the enemy & be free from my own lusts! So, everyday I posted, Day 1-35...I could not stop after 21, it felt good (I owed God extra days) & each day, I typed how I was feeling-good, bad & the ugly, but always ended with something positive & to God be all the glory, I was able to do that in 140 characters or less via Twitter! IT WAS A MIRACLE! LOL...didn't know I could get my point across in so few words!!! LOL ~God showed me that I am stronger than I think & I CAN resist the enemy & he MUST flee whenever I do resist! I'm so Grateful!!!

I even began physical therapy for a knee injury, but the workouts has really help me not to be sedentary...we were not designed to just lie down & let life pass us by! I knew my body was deficient certain nutrients & vitamins so I went back to my Energizer shakes & plenty of water everyday...MY BODY THANKED ME! I felt so much more balanced & my energy shot thru the roof! So what the enemy meant for bad, God worked out for my good! So, to you I say, GET UP! GET OUT! MOVE AROUND! DANCE! DO SOMETHING!!! ;-)

I also noticed that my hobbies were seeming to be more than just something I enjoy doing...I am passionate about sharing Christ with others, I'm an official 100% bonafide (((HUGGER))), writing, singing, dancing, acting, modeling & photography & I always photo journal! A former co-worker gave me a Nikon D70 shell & said I could take it to the shop & buy a lens. He said he noticed how I always capture nature & certain moments with my cell phone camera. I let that camera sit for 2 years on my top shelf where I could see it everyday. I was so cluttered in my mind that I could not even see the blessing in that! GOD IS SO GOOD TO LET ME SEE MORE CLEARLY NOW! I am in prayer asking God what He'd like me to do with all of what I call gifts & talents He's blessed me with! I want Him to be glorified in these as well! So, I called a few schools, went to the library & got all types of digital photography books  & when I was not studying God's Word, I studied to hone my skills from the gifts God gave me. I sat & talked with a professional photographer for hours & learned about his equipment & asked if I could shadow him sometime & he said yes! He poured some golden nuggets into me, I pray God bless him for that!

My process had begun & then God allowed me to have many encounters with Him! I was hoarding "stuff" from my past...suppressed "stuff" as well as actual things cluttering my home, causing my mind to be cluttered. I BEGAN A JOURNEY OF GETTING RID OF THE OLD, TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE every area of my life! Note to self: CLEAN UP! DON'T PROCRASTINATE LASHONDA, YOU'RE HOLDING YOUR OWN SELF BACK! STOP BEING LAZY! BE AN EXAMPLE FOR YOUR KIDS! DO NOT SAVE FACE! HUGE BREAKTHROUGHS ARE ON THE OTHERSIDE OF YOU GETTING YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER! PAY YOUR BILLS ON TIME! STOP BEING RAGGEDY! SHOW GOD HE CAN TRUST YOU! I thank God for the ministry I am connected to! I get the unadulterated Word of God in all TRUTH! I get constant confirmations there! So its hard to slack off, especially when i was convicted, not condemned, but convicted to not just lean on the microwave verses on all the social network sites & my cell phone...I mean, its gr8 to get it in daily, but I know how to study His Word to show myself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed & I SO MISSED THE TURNING OF THE THIN, CRISP PAGES & HIGHLIGHTING & UNDERLINING & USING MANY VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE TO GET EVEN BETTER UNDERSTANDING! I LOVE GOD FOR REMINDING ME OF THIS THRU MY PASTOR!
You all get to hold me accountable! I must check in periodically, giving an update of how I am doing! I even created a YouTube video about it, you should subscribe here as well as the video! When I began cleaning my bedroom that I had not slept in comfortably since my divorce, God confirmed that this thing was spiritual, not natural & with constant appearances of the numbers 1234, God was telling me to get it in ORDER! So I prayed, anointed my hands & bedroom with blessed oil & I began! I sat & looked at things, cried, released & donated some things to a worthy organization & I'm still not done, but thank God I started!!! Guess what, God even allowed me to be able to afford our women's church retreat & God confirmed EVERYTHING that I was doing already plus revealed Himself to me in a new way, just like I needed Him to do! I've been on this Christian journey 30 years & I won't turn back, however, I never want to get stale & redundant...just existing without plan or purpose! I begged Him to let me see Him in a new way! HE IS SO FAITHFUL & EVERYTHING WE NEED!!!
Begin your own journey today & give me feedback on how you're coming along...that would encourage me! We will not let life's busy work or laziness nor spiritual ruts keep us from moving forward & getting all that God has for us to get! I DECREE & DECLARE THAT WE SHALL BE HEALED~WHOLE~DELIVERED & FREE IN EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES...SPIRITUALLY, MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY & FINANCIALLY!!! In Jesus' Precious Name, thank God~Amen! And IT IS SO!!! :-)
Thank you for your time.

Until next time...
Kingdom Blessings to you & yours :-)

SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!

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