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Monday, February 18, 2013

Inside Out

What's inside of us will eventually work it's way out in some shape, form or fashion. Not everyone with a nasty attitude desires to be that way. The same rings true for persons with a beautiful smile & lovely spirit, most likely they weren't always that way. What is your personality? What is said about you amongst your peers? What do you think of you? I asked these questions of myself & I waited a while to answer. I concluded that I have a contagious smile, an effervescent personality, always encouraging & complimenting others, but I also know that there were times when I just didn't want to be bothered. I found myself getting easily agitated, impatient with others & I was being annoyingly critical of everyone & everything, especially of myself! How did I get so selfish & spoiled? I did not like the latter characteristics about myself so I took time out to delve in & do some soul searching. Boy, am I glad I did! How did I begin? Glad you asked! I went to God in prayer & I talked to Him just as I am typing to you now. Here's an inside look of what transpired between He & I: "Hi Daddy, it's me again. Daddy, I thank You for creating me & being meticulous when doing so! You do all things well & You don't make no junk! So, Daddy, that's why I come to you as humble as I know how to admit that some where down the line I allowed some junk inside of my thoughts, my lifestyle, my home & it has manifested some ugly parts of me that I know You do not approve of. Show me inside of me Daddy...what are people seeing? Am I a reflection of You? I want to take after You Daddy! I want to favor You when people look at me! In order for this to happen, I need You to perform that surgery that only You can do...You know, the kind that doesn't leave scars & side affects! I need Your help to be the best me that You created me to be Daddy! So, I surrender all of my desires to You & ask that You would please let them line up with Your perfect will for this life You've blessed me with! I only want YOU! Having YOU means I have EVERYTHING! Let me be content in whatever state I am in at any given moment Daddy! I want to help others get to YOU! Help me to share You Daddy! I want to be used by You...I yield my hands, my feet, my eyes, my ears, my mind, my heart & my soul to YOU to do with what You will! Use me Daddy, I want to make You proud! I want to please YOU more than my fleshly desires! Many are in need of You & all that You have to offer! Please help me to be a usable vessel...make me over Lord! Make me brand spankin' new so that my life will glorify YOU! In Your precious name I ask Jesus, Thank You Daddy~Amen." Our Father so lovingly heard me & He did not hesitate to answer me! Everything that could go wrong, did! But He used it all to perfect those things concerning me that I went to Him about! When we ask for help, He allows things to happen that will let us practice until it becomes second nature! I believe it's a life long process! As long as we are on this Earth, we are on The Potter's Wheel...we are His clay! I desire to be molded by The Master Craftsman! He makes all things NEW! I can honestly say that I love to love! I am in love even with the idea of being in love! I want to give, hug, share, smile, encourage, assist, and the characteristic I love most...the best change of all is HE is using Holy Spirit to the fullest concerning wisdom & me letting her have her perfect work in me! I still get those annoying critical thoughts, but glory be to God, wisdom makes me keep my mouth shut! That's huge for me! It's a miracle!!! I can see the change! I can feel the change! I'm not perfected in it, yet, but I see progress & I find myself driving & not yelling at cars! I smile & let people in now! Road rage was one of my biggest problems! I've learned that even though the feelings will arise & I may be tempted to act on them, I don't have to! The sun still rises when I hold my tongue! Can you imagine how FREE I feel? It is amazing! Smiling right now, because of what my Daddy done did for me! And yes, I said 'done did'! :) I hope this inside look of ugly has inspired you to talk to Daddy about everything concerning you. He really does care & He is THE ONLY ONE who can lead us in the right direction to for change! God bless you & yours! Keep praying, He's listening, ready to answer! Love you! SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hello beautiful people! How is everyone? I pray this entry finds you all in good health & uplifted spirits! WOW! It is a brand spankin' new year! I'm so excited about moving forward! Last I reached out to you all, I was shutting it down to have some much needed "me" time! I did lots of soul searching & guess what? SOME OF THE UGLIEST STUFF CAME UP & OUT DURING THIS TIME! I laugh, but I am so serious! I found out quite a bit about myself! People/things I like, people/things I dislike, People/things I love & people/things I...well, I try not to hate anyone but the devil! Real talk! I'm just checking in & smiling & taking some deep breaths! Stretching my hands toward the heavens, singing & living life to the full! GOD IS SO GOOD! I've been dealing with "me" & I like the progress that is being made! I dislike the downfalls, but they seem to be necessary in order for me to triumph! Weird huh? Well, I'm happy to say that I am back on the right track! I was warped for a minute, but my heart is clear & my mind is made up...NOTHING & NO ONE SHALL STOP ME FROM WALKING IN LOVE...that is to say walking in God! GOD IS LOVE! \0/ I almost made the worst mistake of my life & I am so grateful to God for giving me options! He gives us freedom to choose! For a very short while, I was convinced that I wanted to choose the wrong thing, BUT GOD's love & constant support allowed me to see the error of my ways! I remembered the damage caused before when I took matters into my own hands & I DID NOT want a repeat of that! I read in my Psych course material that it takes 7 days to form a bad habit & 21 days to break that bad habit! Let's just say I'm working on day 43! I ain't taking no chances!!! You feel me? Lol Whom The Son sets FREE is FREE INDEED! I CHOOSE TO STAY FREE! I AM WALKING IN MY FREEDOM! I AM LIVING IN MY FREEDOM! \0/ NOTHING & NO ONE IS WORTH MY FREEDOM! GOD PAID, JESUS PAID & EVEN I HAVE PAID A HIGH PRICE FOR MY FREEDOM! I think about my love for God & God's love for me & my love for myself that has grown tremendously & I shake my head & say NO WAY! IT AIN'T WORTH IT! Even when it comes to tempt me, I do not entertain it! I'M DONE! I'M FREE! FREE FROM ME!!!!!!! \0/ Anyone who has ever been addicted to anything or anyone will be able to understand & appreciate this piece! God bless & keep you all! *Smile! God STILL loves you!* SALVATION... Please Don't Leave Earth Without It!